There is something about Manolo Blahnik shoes and Gucci bags that begs a reflection. The fact that the women accessory market has exploded in the last few years is without question. The handbag market especially has all of a sudden become a major entity in modern fashion trends. Yet even as brands such as Gucci reach a market saturation point, women are still as thrilled by the accessories as they were ten years ago.
Women still dream of Manolo Blahnik shoes despite having several pairs in the wardrobe already. No woman will resist an opportunity to shop for some Gucci bags if opportunity presents itself, whether or not she already has several. The best way to describe this is to call it fashion addiction or even shopping addiction. You go to any girl party and the large percentage will be wearing a Manolo Blahnik and brandishing a Gucci label. Watch the red carpet shows and mark the matching Manolo and Gucci designs take centerstage. But why Manolo Blahnik shoes and Gucci bags? What’s with the duo?
The only explanation viable is that these two brands represent the most practical women accessories available in the market today. Their design features, materials, sizes and colors are highly stylish while remaining practical for women. They match well with multiple outfits, they double up in different weathers, they last for eons and most importantly, they represent the highest level of modern fashion today. There is no doubt that Manolo Blahnik shoes will continue accompanying smashing outfits and of course Gucci bags in most occasions. Practicality, it seems, is the new edge in high-end women fashion these days.
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